Documentation - Wiki - Format

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Sun Jun 24 14:41:28 EDT 2007

Dear Shari et al,
   I believe to provide a Wiki that does not do what
the Runtime Revolution Documentation does, but does
what it does not, well:

We need to become like little children, or at least
like people who don't know what OBJECTS, COMMANDS and
FUNCTIONS are; and think that a computer language is
something out of history (err, like MiniFortran).

There is a crying need for very simple explanations of
how Runtime Revolution works . . .

and, at this point, I will jump in with my dirty-great
hobnail boots and state that that means showing people
how to program, not fobbing them off with endless
"customisable templates".

. . . for people who are not either "computer wierdos"
or have 25 years of computer programming experience
under their belt already.

e.g. a button looks exactly like a button on a
cassette-player; and when you click on it with your
mouse this is the equivalent of pressing a real button
with your finger.

I know it is crashingly basic: but children don't
start year one on Integral Calculus (mind you, I never
got my head round Calculus).

Now, there is buckets of room for peple to disagree
with me; and there is room for more than one Wiki
catering to more than one type of percieved need . . .

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson


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