Revolution Freezing or Quitting Unexpectedly

Shari shari at
Wed Jun 20 00:48:26 EDT 2007

>Although I've seen 1 or 2 text file attachments make it onto the list I
>believe the general rule is all posts with attachments are rejected.  If you
>need to send logs to the list, copy and paste the text is your best bet. For
>screen shots or images, for those like you who are fortunate to be able to
>put it on the web then a hyperlink is great, for those who can't, put the
>graphic, sound, movie, whatever into a stack and upload it to your user
>space in Rev Online.

Actually I did insert it as text, and not an attachment, but the 
filter catches the size of the email apparently.  I never was 
officially rejected or accepted.  I just got an automated post that a 
moderator would make the decision and let me know.  I didn't know we 
had a moderator.  I've never seen anybody get yelled at :-)

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