Printing an Image

Richmond Mathewson geradamas at
Tue Jun 12 17:16:14 EDT 2007

J. Landman Gay wrote:

"Not really,"

And the RR world needs to know something:-

There are an awful lot of "purists" about who try to
do things the "proper way".

However, I spent quite a lot of my formative years on
a farm (!!!) where one mended the fence, the suctions
cups on the milking machine, the tractor connexion
pins, the baling machine with . . .

string, wire, what happened to have washed up on the
beach that week, or whatever else was lying in either
the byre or the shippon.

Now, somebody wanted to print images from a RR stack:
so I found a way; and I don't care whether it is the
"proper" way, or the "officially approved" way; the
way works.

Long explanations are all well and good; but when I
want to get on with things I reach for the good, old,
orange baler twine.

Love, Richmond


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