Ken Burns (was Re: Ripple)

David Bovill david at
Tue Jun 12 09:38:16 EDT 2007

Hi Ian can you clarify - I've not read too deep on this:

On 12/06/07, Ian Wood <revlist at> wrote:
> Core Image Fun House lets you use *Core Image* filters - nothing to
> do with QuickTime, and strictly OS X 10.4 and above.
> Core Image transitions are already available in Rev (again, strictly
> OS X 10.4 and above), but I agree *strongly* about making CI filters
> available natively in Rev for image processing.

Yes then we could all make apps like this:

That is are not Core Image "filters" and  "transitions" both available to
QuickTime. From Trevors EQT documentation:

command qtAddFilter MovieControllerID, EffectType, StartTime, EndTime
 Adds a filter to the specified time of a movie.
EffectType: Type to add (blur, sharpen, edgedetect, emboss, convolve,
alphagain, rgbcolorbalance, hslcolorbalance, colorsync, filmnoise, solarize,
colortint, lensflare)

>From playing with Quartz Composer my impression has been the "Image Units"
used in Core Image can be used in QuickTime - OK so only on tiger and above
on OSX - but still...

Some References

And this from :

And Core Video allows developers to apply all the benefits of Core Image to
video — blazingly-fast performance of filters and effects, per-pixel
accuracy and hardware scalability.
Tiger includes the following Image Units:


   - Median Blur
   - Gaussian Blur
   - Motion Blur
   - Zoom Blur
   - Noise Reduction

Color Adjustment Filters

   - Color Controls
   - Color Matrix
   - Exposure Adjust
   - Gamma Adjust
   - Hue Adjust
   - White Point Adjust
   - Color Cube

Color Filters

   - Color Map
   - Color Invert
   - Color Monochrome
   - Color Posterize
   - False Color
   - Sepia Tone
   - Mask to Alpha

Compositing Filters

   - Addition
   - Maximum
   - Minimum
   - Multiply
   - Source Atop
   - Source In
   - Source Out
   - Source Over

Gradient Filters

   - Gaussian Gradient
   - Linear Gradient
   - Radial Gradient

Sharpen Filters

   - Sharpen Luminance
   - Unsharp Mask

 Distortion Filters

   - Pinch Distortion
   - Hole Distortion
   - Bump Distortion
   - Displacement Distortion
   - Glass Distortion
   - Glass Lozenge
   - Torus Lens Distortion
   - Twirl Distortion
   - Vortex Distortion
   - Circle Splash Distortion
   - Circular Wrap Distortion

Generator Filters

   - Checkerboard
   - Constant Color
   - Lenticular Halo
   - Star Shine
   - Stripes
   - Sunbeams
   - Random Generator

Color Blend Mode

   - Color Dodge Blend Mode
   - Color Burn Blend Mode
   - Darken Blend Mode
   - Difference Blend Mode
   - Exclusion Blend Mode
   - Hard Light Blend Mode
   - Hue Blend Mode
   - Lighten Blend Mode
   - Luminosity Blend Mode
   - Multiply Blend Mode
   - Overlay Blend Mode
   - Saturation Blend Mode
   - Screen Blend Mode
   - Soft Light Blend Mode
   - Color Blend Mode

 Geometry Filters

   - Affine Transform
   - Crop
   - Perspective Transform
   - Lanczos Scale Transform

Halftone Filters

   - CMYK Halftone
   - Circular Screen
   - Dot Screen
   - Hatched Screen
   - Line Screen

Stylish Filters

   - Blend with Mask
   - Edge Work
   - Height Field from Mask
   - Pointillize
   - Shaded Material
   - Bloom
   - Edges
   - Gloom
   - Pixellate
   - Spot Light
   - Crystallize

Tile Filters

   - Affine Clamp
   - Affine Tile
   - Op Tile
   - Parallelogram Tile
   - Perspective Tile
   - Triangle Tile
   - Kaleidoscope

Transition Filters

   - Page Curl
   - Copy Machine
   - Dissolve
   - Flash
   - Mod
   - Ripple
   - Swipe
   - Disintegrate with Mask

Also this from :

Not Just for Still Images
> Core Video, joining Core Image in Mac OS X Tiger, delivers a modern
> foundation for video services, providing a bridge between QuickTime and the
> Quartz Core framework for hardware-accelerated video processing. In the same
> way that you can insert filters into the rendering pipeline for images, you
> can insert filters into the video display pipeline. Like Core Image, a Core
> Video pipeline reduces CPU load and increases performance for other
> operations. And Core Video allows developers to apply all the benefits of
> Core Image to video—blazingly fast performance of filters and effects,
> per-pixel accuracy and hardware scalability.

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