PayPal tutorial

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Mon Jun 11 09:51:41 EDT 2007

On 11 Jun 2007, at 12:37, Thomas McCarthy wrote:
> When I moved to Dreamhost and Linux, I had trouble and David Cragg  
> helped me out by telling me which lines I had to comment out from  
> the LibURL stack script.

If I remember rightly, this was to do with making a libUrl stack for  
CGI use out of the latest libUrl version but where the CGI engine  
being used was early than 2.6.1 (engine version, not Rev version).  
Engines earlier than 2.6.1 didn't handle the "open secure socket"  
command and would throw an error when the script compiled.

There are two ready-made libUrl stacks for CGI use at the following  
url, one for post 2.6.1 engines, and one for earlier engines or when  
you don't need secure sockets.


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