Mac Icon problem

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Sun Jun 10 23:54:38 EDT 2007

> > building a standalone with Rev 2.8.1 on my Mac 10.3.9
> > My apps are not displaying the icon I've assigned to worked before.
> >
> > Anyone else have this problem?
> All the time, it's a Mac OS X Finder glitch. Here are some things I've
> tried. All of them work sometimes, but only a couple of them work all
> the time. They all try to do the same thing, which is to force the
> Finder to rebuild its data cache.
> 1. Zip the app, then unzip it. Works almost always.
> 2. Run this applescript, which works some of the time:
>    tell application "Finder"
>      update "path:to:my:application"
>    end tell
> 3. Select the app in the Finder, do "Get Info" on it. Click on the icon
> box and type the Delete key. Works about half the time.
> 4. In a terminal window, or in a Rev shell command, run a "touch"
> command. This works (so far) all the time. This is the one I'm using the
> most lately. In Rev:
>    get shell("touch path/to/my/application")

I wrote myself an Automator script to do this, so I just right-clickon
the file, select "Touch" from the Automator menu, and away it goes. If
anyone is interested, I can post the details.


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