embedding a large number of copyrighted images

Terry Judd tsj at unimelb.edu.au
Wed Jun 6 18:40:04 EDT 2007

>> An application I've made works with 1000's of images (and sounds). Up
>> to now, I've used:
>>    set the filename of [image object] to [file path]
>> However, the copyright holder of the images advises me that, should I
>> wish to share/sell my application, all the images need to be embedded
>> into it.
>> are there other ways of working with referenced images?
> You can embed images in external stacks, so the format is protected from
> folks exploring directories, but you can reference the images from within
> Rev/your standalone.
> You can also embed images into custom properties of external stacks.  You
> reference this by scripting something like:
>   put the uCoolImage57 of this stack into image 1
> In both cases you can create arbitrary collections of images, of say 50 to
> 100 images, so that you don't wind up loading 1000's images all at once into
> memory.

I'm probably a bit late on this but a solution I've used in the past is to
'wrap' each image in a Rev file. The rev file contains the image, its height
and width in custom properties and has the same name as the image file
(except for the extension of course). If you set the destroystack of each
'image' stack to true then you don't get the sort of memory hit that can
occur when loading image libraries. The rev wrapper also adds little in the
way of size to the original image.



Dr Terry Judd
Lecturer in Educational Technology (Design)
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3052

61-3 8344 0187

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