Drawing speed in rev 2.8

James Hurley jhurley0305 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 4 13:12:25 EDT 2007

I've just moved over to 2.8 and have  found a significant loss of  
speed in drawing with the  pencil tool.

Does anyone have any idea why the handler below would take 88 ticks  
in 2.7, but 302 ticks in 2.8?

(I realize their are many  other ways to draw a circle.)

Jim Hurley

on mouseUp
   put the ticks into tStartTime

   repeat while the number of images >0
     delete image 1
   end repeat

   put the width of this card/2 into x0
   put the height of this card/2 into y0
   put 0 into  x
   put 0 into  y
   put  2 into tStep
   put 0 into tAng
   put pi/180 into radPerDeg
   choose the pencil tool

   repeat with tAng = 1 to 360
     put tStep* cos(radPerDeg* tAng) into dx
     put  tStep * sin(radPerDeg *  tAng) into dy
     drag from round(x0+x),round(y0+y) to round(x0+x+dx), round(y0+y+dy)
     add dx to x
     add dy to y
   end repeat

   choose the browse tool
   put the ticks - tStartTime into msg box
end mouseUp

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