Quartam Reports for Revolution

-= JB =- sundown at nwrain.net
Sun Jun 3 08:11:36 EDT 2007

Hi Jan,

In a previous email you signed your name:

> Jan Schenkel.
> Quartam Reports for Revolution
> <http://www.quartam.com>

I looked at the website and would like to ask a
few questions about Quartam Reports.

One thing I bought from Ro for Hypercard was
titled PrintReport.  It was a sophisticated XCMD
for printing text and graphics.  I was able to print
multiple columns from my fields & add graphics
anywhere I wanted.  I could print colored text &
styled text plus I could choose to have the text
aligned Left-Center-Right and Full Justification.

Are all of the above options available in Quartam
Reports and if not do you have plans to add them
in the future?

John Balgenorth

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