problem with encryption

Thierry 00bioarchimed at
Fri Jun 1 09:57:43 EDT 2007

Le 1 juin 07 à 15:18, David Beck a écrit :

> Despite all my efforts I can not ecnrypt a string the same way with  
> Rev and php. The following rev code;
> encrypt "hello" using "aes-128-cbc" with key "0123456789abcdef" and  
> iv "01234567012345"

Hmm, possibly a typo,
but are you aware your IV value is a bit different ( 89 missing in  
the middle ) ?


> mcrypt_generic_init( $td, '0123456789abcdef', '0123456789012345' );
> $data = mcrypt_generic( $td, 'hello' );
> mcrypt_generic_deinit($td);
> mcrypt_module_close($td);
> echo( $data );
> should be exactly equivilent, but produces:
> Ý~Õ xëCàñTš6
> Does anybody know why these two are producing two different strings  
> or has anybody been able to get rev and php successfully "talking  
> the same encryption language"? I can not get encryption /  
> decryption to work between platforms.
> I have tried many different ciphers all with a

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