Indeterminate Progress Bar

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Sat Jul 28 16:06:38 EDT 2007

There are some very nice animated ones in the stock icons. Many colors.

>Has anyone perfected the art of creating or utilizing an Indeterminate
>Progress Bar in Revolution?
>The solutions I've come up with are either an Animated GIF, QuickTime
>Movie, or via a script that moves the progress image automatically.
>Unfortunately they all run into the same issue... updating progress
>while the script is running.  Placing hooks into the scripts to update
>the progress do work, but it requires the need to constantly update the
>object, which increases the size of the script and is a relative pain in
>the *you know where*.  A movie requires QuickTime, which is not as
>available on Windows as one would hope.  And Movies and GIFs require you
>to create the bar for whatever size you need, every time (no resizing).
>I'd like something that I don't have to worry about.  Works right out of
>the box, and if possible, native for the OS.  Any ideas?
>Derek Bump


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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