Stephen Barncard
stephenREVOLUTION at
Mon Jul 23 13:41:49 EDT 2007
not a workaround, but a Transcript.. errr..
Revolution term for the same thing (ie handling
menu messages) is
used for popups as well. Menus are actually all buttons in Rev.
from the docs:
Sent to a button when a menu item is chosen from
the menu associated with that button.
on menuPick theItem -- in a pulldown menu
if theItem is "Close" then close the defaultStack
else if theItem is "Quit" then quit
end menuPick
Handle the menuPick message to do something when
the user chooses a menu item from a button menu,
or chooses a tab in a tabbed button.
>Thank you, Mark, for responding to my question.
>Seems I'm a bit ahead of things here. I am in a
>planning stage of how to address all the
>concerns of the planned migration to Rev. I
>remember, or I thought I remembered, someone on
>this list a couple of years ago indicated the
>"start using stack" did not work correctly.
>Perhaps I got that all wrong.
>In playing with a test conversion yesterday I
>did run into a "DoMenu" script not working. Rev
>instructions do say "DoMenu" commands won't
>work. Is there a work a round for the "DoMenu"
>thingie? Here is one example I'd like to keep
>the functionality of if possible.
>on doMenu what
> if what "Compact Stack" then pass doMenu
> if longToPath() is in the stacksInUse then
> stop using this stack
> send the params to HyperCard -- do the compact
> start using this stack
> else pass doMenu
>end doMenu
stephen barncard
s a n f r a n c i s c o
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