Stupid menubar questions

Klaus Major klaus at
Tue Jul 17 10:59:12 EDT 2007

Hi Ian,

> I've not worked much with multi-window apps (apart from palettes),  
> but am about to.
> OS X - if I want the same menubar to appear no matter which window  
> is frontmost I'm going to have to copy the menubar group to each  
> 'main' stack and set it as the menubar, correct? Sounds like a  
> recipe for disaster if changes need to be made to the menus. :-(

Don't worry, check out the "defaultmenubar" prop in the docs :-)

> Win - doing the same as above (copy of group on each stack) is  
> going to lead to duplicated screen space. Any ideas to make it look  
> less 'cluttered'?

Well, erm, there is no menubar on Windows like on the Mac (always  
visible on top of the screen).
A menubar on win are just a palette (or modeles or whatever) stack.

You have seen a PC running Win in your life before, didn't you? ;-)

> Ian


Klaus Major
klaus at

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