scripting challenge Contest ?

Tariel Gogoberidze tariel at
Wed Jul 4 23:48:57 EDT 2007

Fri Jun 29 Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

>  I do miss those scripting challenges though. I wish this
> list would indulge more, it was great fun. The last one I can recall on
> this list was the creation of a working clock face. By the time 
> everyone
> was done we had a very efficient and effective script, and I think
> everyone who followed the exchange learned a lot.

How about emulating iTunes / Leopard Cover Flow in Rev ? :)
Or something like this "" (click "full episodes" and 
than "Launch Player" to see it)

Personally I failed on image distortion in 3D space.
Combination of rotate / angle and applied alphaData / MaskData would 
not help much to create illusion. It seems one should directly 
manipulate ImageData but even if possible I'm not sure about acceptable 
speed. Or may be I'm missing some obvious trick here?
Anyway, I think it's a relatively tough one, because  it would probably 
require combined skills of someone like Jim Hurley (moving algorithm, 
geometry), Willhelm Sanke (imageData manipulation) and Scott Rossi (to 
make it look beautiful), he.. he..

best regards

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