[fun] Valid rev syntax. The silly scripts thread.

jbv jbv.silences at club-internet.fr
Fri Jan 26 10:00:16 EST 2007


> This aspect of Transcript is undersold I would say. Legibility and
> comprehensibility of code are important to both novice and advanced
> programmers. It also of course makes it much easier to learn. Rev is
> "Natural language programming"!

although I fully agree with you, I've met many experienced programmers
who think that this :


is much easier to read than this :

    if a contains dot then
        replace dot with comma in a
    end if

Those programmers believe that programming languages HAVE to be
cryptic and cumbersome, so that few people will master them, and that
it will lower the risk to have their job stolen by some stupid young boys...

Oddly they seem to apply to programming the old double function of
natural languages : to act as a cohesion force for the group (the happy few
who master programming languages) while keeping away aliens (those
who don't understand it)...
In some ways thay're acting / thinking like suburbs gangs protecting their
own territory... [grin]


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