Variable holding a chunk

Scott Rossi scott at
Fri Jan 5 16:31:02 EST 2007

Recently, Jim Carwardine wrote:

> I have a variable, myVar, that holds a chunk, [line 2 of field "myField" of
> group "myGroup" of card id 1002 of stack "myStack"].
> When I say [put myVar into field "xxx"] I get the chunk expression not the
> data held by the field represented by the chunk expression.
> When I try and review the Users Guide to refresh my mind about how to do
> this, I can never remember how it is described in the Users Guide.
> What are the magic words to find how to do this in the Users Guide?

Does this work?

  put value(myVar) into field "xxx"

I also do this:

  do "put" && myVar && "into field xxx"


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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