Complementary RGB Color Pairs

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Mon Feb 26 17:00:55 EST 2007

On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Stephen Barncard <stephenREVOLUTION at> 

> Thanks to all who responded. I was turned onto a lot of information 
> about color. I guess the upshot is that a simple compliment - 
> literally - will do what I wanted - subtracting 255 from each part of 
> the color array. This is what I came up with: FUNCTION complimentColor 
> pTrio REPEAT for each item tITEM in pTrio put abs(tITEM - 255) & comma 
> after tOut END REPEAT delete last char of tOut return tOut END 
> complimentColor
>>>For those who do not want to bother to download a big stack just for 
>>>the matter of a few script lines
>>>here is the script of btn "complementary colors" that at least gives 
>>>you a hint how to proceed to find out
>>>complementary color triplets:
>>>"on mouseUp
>>>  set the cursor to watch
>>>  put the milliseconds into Start
>>>  put the imageData of image 2 into iData
>>>  put 0 into counter
>>>  repeat for each char C in idata
>>>    add 1 to counter
>>>    put numtochar(255 - chartonum(C)) into char counter of idata
>>>  end repeat
>>>  set the imageData of image 2 to iData
>>>  put the milliseconds - Start into fld "test"
>>>end mouseUp"
>>>Wilhelm Sanke
> stephen barncard s a n f r a n c i s c o 

As always, there are multiple ways to achieve identical results - that's 
one of the interesting facets of programming. "abs(tITEM - 255)" - as in 
your function above - produces the same result as "255 - tItem", but if 
you put 255 in front you do not need the correcting workaround "abs". -- 
Wilhelm Sanke <>

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