Contracting text to a fixed width

hibis.jmr hibis.jmr at
Thu Feb 22 03:24:03 EST 2007

  thinking different :

on contractTextOfField   FieldToContract
   if there is a fld "SoOn" then delete fld "SoOn"
   if the formattedwidth of fld FieldToContract>the width of fld 
FieldToContract then
     lock screen
     clone field FieldToContract
     set the name of the last field to "SoOn"
     put "..." into field "SoOn"
     set the borderWidth of fld "SoOn" to 0
     set the width of fld "SoOn" to the formattedwidth of fld "SoOn"-the 
borderWidth of fld FieldToContract
     set the height of fld "SoOn" to the height of fld "SoOn" -2*the 
borderWidth of fld FieldToContract
     set the opaque of fld "SoOn" to true
     set the topRight of fld "SoOn" to the Right of fld 
FieldToContract-the borderWidth of fld FieldToContract,the top of fld 
FieldToContract+the borderWidth of fld FieldToContract
   end if
end contractTextOfField


Le 22 févr. 2007, à 06:18, Terry Judd a écrit :

> I'm looking for a way to contract unwrapped lines of text to a fixed 
> width -
> primarily for use in a table where the width of columns is
> variable/adjustable and often narrower than the text each 'cell' 
> contains. I
> reckon a trailing ellipsis added to the contracted text would look
> satisfactory and managed to come up with the following routine that 
> uses an
> intermediate field...
> function contractTextToWidth theText,theWidth
>   lock screen
>   put "..." into fld "CTTW"
>   put the formattedWidth of char 1 to 3 of fld "CTTW" into tWidthA
>   -- tWidthA = width of trailing ellipsis
>   repeat with i = length(theText) down to 1
>     put theText into fld "CTTW"
>     put the formattedWidth of char 1 to i of fld "CTTW" into tWidthB
>     -- tWidthB = width of remaining string
>     if tWidthA+tWidthB <= theWidth then
>       return theText&"..."
>       exit repeat
>     end if
>     delete last char of theText
>   end repeat
>   unlock screen
> end contractTextToWidth
> ... But I'm thinking there's probably a better way (particularly when 
> lots
> of cells are involved - I might end up with a couple of hundred). Any 
> ideas?
> Terry...
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