Old bug still in Rev 2.8 :(

Brent Anderson brentj84062 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 20 17:39:37 EST 2007

I've had that problem too, and it isn't Revolution, it's the application you
have set to launch your stacks. Select your stack in finder, get info from
the File menu, and choose "Open with..." and find Revolution 2.8. You can't
apply it to all files of type .rev, however, but you can do them

On 2/20/07, LunchnMeets at aol.com <LunchnMeets at aol.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I downloaded v 2.8 for the Mac OS. So far the most glaring problem I had
> with
> the previous version still wasn't addressed. That is, I have to open a
> stack
> after opening Revolution rather than opening Revolution by opening a
> stack.
> The reason is if I don't, Revolution doesn't see the openStack handler.
> I'm
> disappointed that wasn't fixed.
> Joe, Orlando
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