Arrowkey problem - is it a bug?

Martin Blackman martinblackman at
Sun Feb 11 00:16:23 EST 2007

With a bit more prodding around it seems that I only get this in the
Galaxy environment and need to have opened the projects menu in Galaxy
at some time beforehand. Doesn't seem to happen in the standalone
which is the main thing.

On 11/02/07, Martin Blackman <martinblackman at> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I have the following text in a button in an otherwise blank stack:
> on mouseUp
>   create fld "f1"
>   group fld "f1"
>   focus on fld "f1"
> end mouseUp
> I can now type in the field but the arrowkeys don't work.  If I click
> in the field then the arrowkeys start working again.
> The problem happens only if I group the field or put it into an existing group.
> I have tried to get around it by appending a 'select empty' and then
> 'click at the loc of fld "f1" or 'focus on fld f1'  but that didn't
> help.
> This is Rev 2.7.4 on XP
> regards
> Martin Blackman

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