OT: Quicktime Streaming Server on LInux

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Fri Feb 2 08:19:08 EST 2007

Hi Richard and all,

> We've taken perhaps 100 25-50 MB quicktime movies (all at 450 x  
> 340, full color, 30 fps)

please don't forget that you can even save some MBs if you encode  
your moves with only 25 or 24 fps,
if possible, maybe even lower rates, let your eyes decide.

30 fps is what the US TV standard "NTSC" is using and not really  
necessary for even "heavy action" in movies.
DV and the european TV standard "PAL" use 25 fps and "Film" (as seen  
in cinemas :-) 24 fps.

> and compressed them down to typically 3-6 MB each using Quicktime  
> Pro's mpeg-4 compressor with relatively little degradation. These  
> have then been put into an account at Streamhoster.com. We've found  
> that streaming these into our Rev app works reliably and has turned  
> out to be a low cost solution.
> Richard Miller
> Imprinter Technologies


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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