Gradient Textures

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Aug 29 07:09:46 EDT 2007

Hi David,

There is a gradient toy on RevOnline, user name Mark. You might want  
to look at the scripts to see how I did this.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Quickly extract data from your HyperCard stacks with DIFfersifier.

Op 29-aug-2007, om 13:07 heeft David Bovill het volgende geschreven:

> I've been taking a look at those gently beveled buttons / bars, and  
> I'm
> wandering the best way to do this. It seems people often use  
> gradient fill
> in images created in another program. My first take on this is that  
> it is
> not the optimal way to do things - is it not better to use a small  
> image and
> tile a button or a background of a group? For instance a 1 pixel  
> wide image
> (in the shape of a vertical line) which fades slightly at the top  
> and bottom
> - rather than an entire image in the form of a bar?
> I have not played with gradient fills in Rev - but I know that  
> there are
> some imagedata experts out there that have experimented with  
> creating such
> fills with Revolution. Would it not be possible therefore to get  
> Rev to
> create these fill automatically? So that a bar could be created of any
> height, width and base colour wanted?

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