question about saveStackRequest

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sat Aug 25 12:00:20 EDT 2007

Eric Chatonet wrote:

 > Le 25 août 07 à 17:31, Andre Garzia a écrit:
 >> I am trying to monitor when the IDE saves a stack. I tried
 >> using saveStackRequest on a backscript and on a frontscript,
 >> both without success.
 >> In my tests here, my scripts running as a front or back
 >> script can't see that event. I believe that the IDE is
 >> sending that directly to the stack without going thru the
 >> message path, is this possible?
 > You might try to trap 'revSaveStackRequest', a message listed
 > among the ones a plugin can receive.

It would be a shame if Rev's IDE design prevented their own message path 
from working as documented.

One could use their replicant mirror messages, but why indulge the 

If they're able to generate their scripted mirror messages, the built-in 
messages from which they're derived must be working fine.

My hunch is that they're just trapping and not passing the 
saveStackRequest message.

I was able to find this in their revFrontScript:

on saveStackRequest

   global gREVMessageDispatch
   repeat for each line l in gREVMessageDispatch[revSaveStackRequest]
     send "revSaveStackRequest" to this cd of stack l
   end repeat

   put the short name of the owner of the target into tStackName
   revCheckScriptSaved tStackName

   put empty into gREVStackStatus[revTargetStack(the target)]
   if "id 1230" is in the frontScripts and "revTools" is in the 
frontScripts then
     select empty
     send "revSetMarkers true" to btn "revReshape" of stack "revTools"
     remove script of btn "revReshape" of stack "revTools" from front
   end if

   if not gREVSuppressMessages or (gREVSuppressMessages and 
revOKTarget()) then pass saveStackRequest
   else pass saveStackRequest to metaCard
end saveStackRequest

So it seems the passing of the native message is conditional.  I didn't 
dig through the code to try to determine how that condition gets met, 
but hopefully this will get you started.

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more:

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