Proper Field Validation Methods and other annoyances...

Björnke von Gierke bvg at
Tue Aug 14 12:43:01 EDT 2007

On 14 Aug 2007, at 18:25, Len Morgan wrote:

> 1) Why does  put "4" is a date return true?  If this function doesn't 
> actually work, why is it still available?  I'd like to be able to have 
> users enter a date without any kind of punctuation (i.e., 08142007) 
> and be able to validate it as a valid date.  The same applies to 
> entering 1315 as a time (no colon).

Time & date handling is... complicated. This particular "feature" has 
to do with the fact that rev knows a date format of "the seconds". As 
that is just the number of seconds passed since some day in the 
70-ties, every integer number evaluates to a date in rev.

Basically you have to do your own validation for any date or time that 
is not known to be correct already, and "is a date" is extremely 



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