Text Inspector Needed
katir at hindu.org
Sat Aug 4 18:09:43 EDT 2007
Stephen Barncard wrote:
> Yes. I have a good start for you, but you'll want to add more features.
> Derek Bump at Dreamscape offered this very nice stack that focused on
> creating html text that worked better in a browser with his
> modifications, and maintained sizes better than raw Rev HTML.. And vice
> versa. Very educational.
> Not only that, there's great code and ICONS for most editing functions,
> including changing text attributes among others already set in a field.
> http://www.dreamscapesoftware.com/products/revolution/htmltocss1.zip
(gritting his teeth, trying not to whine too loudly:)
Looks good, but I'm still having to fiddle with text line height, text
weird anomalies, like top of text being cut off on the top line of a tiny
field set to verdana 9 pt... I can turn on fixed line height and then set it
to 15 and viola, the text now appears on the top line, but now my
leading is 3 times what I want it to be...I'm now stuck.. blocker
I am simply not able to get 9 pt verdana on a 10 point leading
into a field that is 70 pixels wide by pixel high. (sigh)
Oh Wait! set text margins to 2 px and we now can see the
text...there are no actual 2 px margins, but it forced
the text from being clipped left-top a leap of intuition required
to get it to work...
20 minutes later I *may* succeed at formatting this text
the way we need it (or not!)
Rev 3.0 I hope will fix this... I spend more time tweaking UI
like this than writing complex functions... i.e. the touted
RAD value of Rev drops enormously on this plane...
And will turn away any newbie immediately who comes from
a page layout/graphic design environment... they will turn around and
say "Gee this just doesn't work;
Can we use KeyNote or lay it out in InDesign
do it as interactive PDF's?"
I'll grant you that setting type in Photoshop is even more painful.
but these are text fields and they really should work...
>> I believe I've requested this already for a future upgrade to
>> Revolution, but I was wondering if anyone has
>> already developed a Text Inspector widget.
>> I find that when designing UI the text tool interface in Rev can be
>> frustrating.
>> A text tools palette would be marvelous, horizontal ribbon style like
>> in InDesign
>> or whatever: one wants to be able to see the
>> * current font in use in the object
>> * default font
>> * font of selected text (since it may be different from what is in the
>> field
>> * line height setting
>> * Text margins (dimmed if it is not a field)
>> * current font size
>> * click to view and edit field contents if locked.
>> * lock - unlock text field
>> * text color....
>> etc. all in one place,
>> does anyone have such a widget already built?
>> Sivakatirswami
Om shanti
(In Peace)
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