scaling and positioning proportionally an object at the same time

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at Cox.Net
Wed Apr 18 12:24:10 EDT 2007

Hi all, Dave in particular,

Is it possible that the stack I can no longer compile to a stand  
alone uses this broken Geometry Manager without my having called any  
of its routines myself. It contains a lot of images that I have  
either imported or pasted from images copied from ResEdit and  
sometimes modified further with additional images, usually white  
space to clean up an image, using MacDraft. The last image I recall  
adding prior to Rev's refusal to create the stand along was in this  
last category. I'm searching for ANYTHING that may be the cause at  
this point.


Joe Wilkins

On Apr 18, 2007, at 8:39 AM, Dave wrote:

> Hi,
> The Geometry Manager is broken and has been for over three years.  
> Why they just don't take it out is beyond me. If it wasn't there at  
> least you wouldn't waste hours/days wondering why your code doesn't  
> work and what you have done wrong. Eventually you post here and  
> someone (like me!) glibly tells you it's broken!
> It's best to do you own geometry handling. There are a number of  
> sample stacks that do this.
> All the Best
> Dave

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