A string doesn't equal itself

Bill Marriott wjm at wjm.org
Thu Apr 12 09:02:27 EDT 2007


> Since that's the only one you put quotes around, I'd argue that yes,
> you can complain about it.

My usage of quotes in that context was for English syntax compliance, not 
xTalk :)

>  I would think the quotes would say "don't
> evaluate anything within".

You might think that, but then that's not xTalk.

We're not talking about the difference between a string literal and a 
variable label. As long as we keep the loose typing characteristics of 
xTalk -- and I would argue we should, being as the benefits outweigh the 
drawbacks -- mere quotes around a value is not sufficient to identify the 
type of value stored.

put "5" + "5"

gives you


Would you rather that give you "Syntax Error?"

- Bill 

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