dynamically adding links with textStyle..

Curt Ford cford at sc.edu
Wed Apr 4 16:26:23 EDT 2007

Thanks, Devin, I had been making this much harder than necessary,  
worrying about whether I'd need to manipulate HTML or Unicode  
directly if the selectedText was in Russian, but this works fine now  
for setting a link, regardless of language:

on mouseUp
   --save the selection before the 'ask..' makes it go away
   put the selectedChunk into tSelection
   --tSelection will now contain something like "char 1 to 4 of fld 1"
   ask "Please enter a link:"
   put it into tLink
   select tSelection
   set the linkText of the selectedText to tLink
   set the textStyle of the selectedText to "link"
   put the HTMLText of fld "source" into fld "resultHTML"
end mouseUp

To let the user edit an existing link, this works well too:
on mouseUp
   --save the selection and its linkText before the 'ask..' makes it  
go away
   put the selectedChunk into tSelection
   put the linkText of the selectedChunk into tOldLink
   ask "Please edit the link:" with tOldLink
   put it into tNewLink
   --reselect what was selected before
   select tSelection
   set the linkText of the selectedText to tNewLink
   set the textStyle of the selectedText to "link"
   put the HTMLText of fld "source" into fld "resultHTML"
end mouseUp

..where the last lines are just a check to see what I end up with.  


Dr. Curtis Ford
Instructor of Russian and Linguistics
Dept of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
University of South Carolina

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