Delayed Mouse Clicks

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Fri Sep 29 07:36:40 EDT 2006

On 9/29/06, Trevor Hopkins <tjhopkins224 at> wrote:
> I have a button that, when clicked, runs a process that takes a few seconds.
> I'd like to do a little error prevention and prevent the user from
> accidentally clicking on it multiple times while it is already processing.
> Currently, if the button is clicked and then clicked multiple times before
> the first process is done, the mouseUp script will run over and over again
> after each script is completed.
> Any ideas?

My preference is to disable the button at the start of the mouseUp
handler and enable it again at the end.

> Secondly, does anyone know of a way to change the dock's icon (OS X) of your
> application while it is running?

Yes, this is now possible although unsupported. If you set "the icon"
to the ID of a suitable image i.e. 128 x 128 pixels or less, then the
dock icon changes to match. Check the "What's New.txt" file in your
Rev folder for more details.


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