XP Home vs. Pro vs. Embedded

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Wed Sep 13 16:04:31 EDT 2006

On 9/13/06, Stephen Barncard <stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com> wrote:
> This is the thing about Windows that I never could understand.
> Can you imagine how users would revolt if Apple came out with 'Mac OS
> Tiger Lite"?

I can't imagine Mac users ever revolting. Especially seeing where they
have to pay for a new 'cat' OS with minimal new features every 12-18
months without as much as a sigh. I guarantee Windows users would NOT
put up with that. Hell, they have a hard time stomaching a Vista
release, which will be coming out 4+ years after XP.

And 'YES', Mac uses need to upgrade to stay abreast of the latest
fixes in browsers, email clients, UNIX libraries, etc.. I think we now
have 3 different altBrowsers which run on different versions of Mac
OS'es, mostly because previous OS'es aren't patched correctly.

Microsoft knows they can charge Enterprise more $$$ than individual
users, and that's why there's an XP Pro vs Home. Originally, there
were some significant differences, like Pro was supposed to only have
multiple monitor support, but after the MS users complained during XP
beta, they ratcheted down the feature differences significantly.
Unless you really need multiple workgroup domains or Desktop Remote
Access, (available in free 3rd party tools), you only need Home.


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