what is the method you use to save a specific field reference in a variable or custom property?

Phil Davis revdev at pdslabs.net
Tue Sep 12 21:27:22 EDT 2006

Hi Josh -

Josh Mellicker wrote:
> Maybe someone can shed some light on the best way to put a field 
> reference into a variable (or custom property).
> If I do this:
>   set the uFldRef of me to the long name of fld "whatever"
> It seems to work great.
> Then, if I try to access that custom property:
>   put the uFldRef of the target into tFldIWant
> it seems to work fine.
> But when I try to do something, like:
>   put the text of fld tFldIWant into x -- error
> or
>   put the text of tFldIWant into x - error

This last one should work.

Try doing an "answer tFldIWant" before using the variable as a field reference. 
Maybe it's empty. Maybe the uFldRef was stored as the custom prop of some object 
other than the one you think. If so, that could cause the problem.

I tried a test using the last approach listed above & it works fine here.

Phil Davis

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