can't display text from file

Jim Ault JimAultWins at
Mon Oct 30 23:57:16 EST 2006

On 10/30/06 10:25 PM, "Libby Huber" <libbyhuber at> wrote:
> I am trying to run a program created using Runtime Revolution 2.5 but I
> cannot get my stack to display text from file in a designated field. I have
> compared my scripts (open and read file commands) to other working stacks,
> and I have also successfully opened my text file using another stack. But I
> cannot get the stack I have created to display items from my file. The stack
> and file are saved in a folder together, and I've checked the filepath
> repeatedly.
> Any suggestions?

--try one of the below techniques to discover the 'glich'

if you are using the form I use almost all the time:
put varA into url ("file:"&myRootfolder()&"savedData.txt")

function myRootfolder
  get the filename of this stack
   set the itemDel to "/"
   return (item 1 to -2 of it)
end myRootfolder


if not there is a folder fullPathEyeWant then answer "oops "& cr &

Try to write a string "some enchanted evening" to the path you have
specified, then immediately read it back into a variable.

answer file "the file I want"
put it into fullPathEyeChose
put fullPathEyeChose &cr& fullPathEyeWant into msg
put cr & ( fullPathEyeChose is fullPathEyeWant) after msg

make sure the file is not empty!!!!

Hope this helps.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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