Date and Time Manipulation
Marielle Lange
mlange at
Sat Oct 28 19:59:04 EDT 2006
> While we are on the topic of dates, I've been thinking about
> creating a "countdown" calendar, clocking the number of days
> remaining between today's date and some future date (March 31,
> 20010 specifically). Any tips on how I can do this? Do I have to
> convert dates into seconds in order to subtract one from the
> other? Thanks.
Hi Marian,
In case this helps, I wrote a minimalist countdown utility for
christmas last year:
Christmas Countdown
You will also find below various date manipulation functions. They
were written rapidly and haven't been extensively tested. You are
very welcome to improve them.
That library can be found at <>,
along with other code and libraries.
Other websites with useful codes are listed at:
There are some time related tutorials at So smarts Software, for
instance (<
/* ____________________________________________________________
| Date Processing Routines
| @Author: Marielle Lange
| @Company: (
| @Date: 10 Apr 2006
| @Version: 0.1
| @Changes since last version: N/A
| @License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License http://
| @Dependency: -
on DiffBetweenDates
put field "DateFrom" into tDateFrom
put field "DateTo" into tDateTo
convert tDateFrom from system date to dateItems
convert tDateTo from system date to dateItems
put NbYearsBetweenTwoDates(tDateFrom,tDateTo) into field "NbYears"
put NbMonthsBetweenTwoDates(tDateFrom,tDateTo) into field "NbMonths"
put NbWeeksBetweenTwoDates(tDateFrom,tDateTo) into field "NbWeeks"
put NbDaysBetweenTwoDates(tDateFrom,tDateTo) into field "NbDays"
end DiffBetweenDates
-- WeekdayFirstOfMonth (function)
function WeekdayFirstOfMonth pYear, pMonth
--- First of Month
put pMonth & "/1/" & pYear into tDate
convert tDate to dateItems
return item 7 of tDate
end WeekdayFirstOfMonth
-- NbDaysInMonth (function)
function NbDaysInMonth pYear, pMonth
put (pMonth & "/1/" & pYear) into tDate
convert tDate from date to dateItems
put 0 into item 3 of tDate
add 1 to item 2 of tDate
convert tDate from dateItems to dateItems
return (item 3 of tDate)
end NbDaysInMonth
-- NbDaysBetweenTwoDates (function)
-- pStart and pEnd are in dateItems format
function NbDaysBetweenTwoDates pStart, pEnd
put NbMonthsBetweenTwoDates(pStart, pEnd) into tMonthsDiff
put (item 1 of pStart) into tStartYear
put (item 2 of pStart) into tStartMonth
repeat with x = 1 to tMonthsDiff
if x = 1 then
put tStartMonth into tMonth
put tStartYear into tYear
put empty into tDaysPerMonth
-- put empty into message
end if
if tMonth > 12 then
put 1 into tMonth
add 1 to tYear
end if
put NbDaysInMonth(tYear,tMonth) into item x of tDaysPerMonth
add 1 to tMonth
end repeat
put sum(tDaysPerMonth) into tNbDays
return (tNbDays - (item 3 of pStart) + (item 3 of pEnd))
end NbDaysBetweenTwoDates
-- NbWeeksBetweenTwoDates (function)
-- pStart and pEnd are in dateItems format
function NbWeeksBetweenTwoDates pStart, pEnd
put NbDaysBetweenTwoDates(pStart, pEnd) into tNbDays
return trunc(tNbDays/7)
end NbWeeksBetweenTwoDates
-- NbMonthsBetweenTwoDates (function)
-- pStart and pEnd are in dateItems format
function NbMonthsBetweenTwoDates pStart, pEnd
----- Nb of Years, Months, weeks -----
put NbYearsBetweenTwoDates(pStart, pEnd) into tNbYears
put ((item 2 of pEnd) - (item 2 of pStart)) into tNbMonthsDiff
----- Handle cases were from 08/2005 to 06/2006 -----
if tNbMonths < 0 then
add 12 to tNbMonthsDiff
add -1 to tNbYears
end if
return tNbMonthsDiff+ (12 * tNbYears) e
end NbMonthsBetweenTwoDates
-- NbYearsBetweenTwoDates (function)
-- pStart and pEnd are in dateItems format
-- Return an integer, with the number of years
function NbYearsBetweenTwoDates pStart, pEnd
return ((item 1 of pEnd) - (item 1 of pStart))
end NbYearsBetweenTwoDates
-- MonthsAsArray (function)
-- Returns an Array with the Month Names, as MonthsA
function MonthsAsArray
----- Create an array with the Months Names -----
put empty into MonthsA
repeat with x = 1 to 12
put x & "/1/00" into tDate
convert tDate to long date
put word 2 of tDate into MonthsA[x]
end repeat
return MonthsA
end MonthsAsArray
-- weekNumber
function weekNumber pDateItems
-- Needs the 7, because any day before may below to a week in the
previous year
put pDateItems into tJanuaryFirst
put 1 into item 2 of tJanuaryFirst
put 1 into item 3 of tJanuaryFirst
convert tJanuaryFirst from dateitems to dateitems
put 0 into tAdd; if item -1 of tJanuaryFirst <> 1 then put -1 into
return (NbWeeksBetweenTwoDates(tJanuaryFirst,pDateItems) + tAdd)
end weekNumber
-- StartDateIsBeforeEndOne
-- Returns true or false, according to situation
function StartDateIsBeforeEndOne pStart, pEnd
put true into tTest
----- Checking that the Start date is earlier than the End one -----
If item 1 of pStart > item 1 of pEnd then
answer "problem here, the ending year is earlier than the
starting one"
put false into tTest
else if (item 1 of pStart) = (item 1 of pEnd) and (item 2 of
pStart) > (item 2 of pEnd) then
answer "problem here, the ending month is earlier than the
starting one (in the same year)"
put pStart & cr & pEnd
put false into tTest
else if (item 2 of pStart) = (item 2 of pEnd) and (item 3 of
pStart) > (item 3 of pEnd) then
answer "problem here, the ending day is earlier than the
starting one (in the same month)"
put false into tTest
end if
return tTest
end StartDateIsBeforeEndOne
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