CGI for Slide show

Brian Yennie briany at
Sat Oct 21 17:04:39 EDT 2006


AJAX vs. iframes really depends a lot on your needs, but besides buzz- 
word compliance there are some advantages to AJAX:

1) The request is asynchronous, which has the advantages that:
	a) You can display your own "loading" messages easily
	b) You can manage your own error messages if the connection is lost  
or times out
	c) You can juggle multiple requests and/or preload things in the  

2) You can actually process the result, which means:
	a) You can return data other than HTML - and then use Javascript to  
update things
	b) You can parse and utilize XML

This is a totally incomplete list off the top of my head - but maybe  
it gives you an idea of why you might lean towards AJAX, or  
alternatively stick with what already works!

- Brian

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