Images don't show in standalone

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Wed Oct 18 09:02:46 EDT 2006

Hi William,

The defaultFolder is probably not set correctly:
By default it's always the folder where lies the app (Revolution app/ 
exe in the IDE or your app when it is a standalone)

As for me, I prefer to get the filename of my app (or mainStack in  
the IDE) and deduce all paths needed from this one:

function AppFolder
   set the itemDel to slash
   return item 1 to -2 of the fileName of stack (the mainstack of  
this stack) & slash
end AppFolder

Then you append to this value what you need:

put AppFolder() & "My images" into tImagesFolderPath
if there is a folder tImagesFolderPath then
   set the defaultFolder to tImagesFolderPath
   put the files into tFiles -- all images names in this folder
   AnswerError -- custom handler: whatever you need
end if

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

Le 18 oct. 06 à 14:47, William de Smet a écrit :

> Hi there,
> I am making a standalone application with image files in a seperate  
> directory.
> In the standalone application settings I added the files.
> After making the standalone the images don't show but the directory
> with images is there (next to the .app or .exe).
> I don't get it.
> I must be doing something wrong here.
> Another thing that doesn't seem to work is the 'Encrypt with  
> password'  feature.
> No password is asked for after opening the file.
> I add the SSL & Encryption library.
> Any thoughts on these two?
> greetings,
> William de Smet

----------------------    eric.chatonet at

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