Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Nov 27 11:12:13 EST 2006

Hi Chris,

Sure, I have read the documentation. Once a database has been  
created, I can modify it. That's not the problem. I would like to do  
something like this (in a button):

on mouseUp
   revExecuteSQL 1,"SHOW DATABASES;"
   put the result
end mouseUp

and would like to get a list of databases returned, but the result is  
empty. The used parameters for revExecuteSQL are not really logical  
of course, since I provide a database ID while the SQL statement is  
typically executed before opening a database. Any ideas?




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Op 27-nov-2006, om 16:36 heeft Chris Sheffield het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Mark,
> This is probably more of a MySQL thing than a Rev thing. I would  
> recommend reading through the MySQL documentation if you haven't  
> already, and check out the commands for working with databases and  
> their tables. If I'm not mistaken, you should be able to use any  
> MySQL command by running it through the revExecuteSQL command from  
> your Revolution code. One thing to watch would be user permissions  
> for your MySQL server, and making sure users have the ability to  
> create/modify database schemas.
> Hopefully this will help you in the right direction. Btw, by no  
> means do I consider myself a database guru. :-)
> Chris

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