
John Craig jc at
Sun Nov 26 15:51:24 EST 2006

There are some extra parenthesis - a more concise version is;

FUNCTION MatchWithin pRawText, pStartText, pEndText
    if matchText(pRawText, "(?Uis)" & pStartText & "(.+)" & pEndText, 
tReturn) then return tReturn
END MatchWithin


Mark Wieder wrote:
> All-
> Yesterday I had a need for a utility function that returns the text
> between two HTML tags, so I cobbled this together, but it will work
> for any text, not just tags. If you have, for example,
> pText = "<a href='x.html'>click here<h3>This is a title</h3></a>"
> you can call
> put MatchWithin(pTtext, "<h3>", "</h3>")
> and get "This is a title"
> Any comments? Can it be made easier? Faster? Is there a better way to
> do this?
> FUNCTION MatchWithin pRawText, pStartText, pEndText
>     local tReturn
>     IF matchText(pRawText, "((?Uis)" & pStartText & "(.+)" & pEndText& ")", tReturn) THEN
>         delete char -length(pEndText) to -1 of tReturn
>         delete char 1 to length(pStartText) of tReturn
>     END IF
>     return tReturn
> END MatchWithin

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