The way of the message

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Nov 19 18:31:05 EST 2006

On 11/19/06 10:52 AM, "Josep M Yepes" <jmyepes at> wrote:

> Really I begin to go crazy,... :(  I know, I need more code, test,
> code, test, code, ...
> I playing how the message work, and really, I'm confused. I read the
> list, find into the google list, donwload many stacks,...
> Now I'm trying to select some word (or words) selected from a text field

Hey, Josep... I hope I'm interpreting you correctly, but if you are trying
to get what is currently selected (highlighted) in a text field, all you
need to ask is for "the selectedText", since there can only be one text
selection at any given time.

I think what may be hanging you up is that buttons normally highlight when
you click them. When the highlight, the current text selection is removed.
This has caused problems with many of us. The current solution is to turn
off the autohilite property of the button, and then put this into the script
of the button:

on mouseUp
  answer the selectedText
end mouseUp

If I have misunderstood you, let me know.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:
Email: kray at

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