Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

Dave dave at looktowindward.com
Thu Nov 16 19:52:20 EST 2006


I think that there is a lot of silly, sometimes personal crap on this  
list on the odd occasion and I reckon it boils down to this:

Someone relates some (usually fairly truthful) bad news about RunRev  
and then someone else tries to make it "all right" by relating all  
the good things about RunRev (that you invariably already know) or  
berates your apparent apathy in investigating problems or criticizes  
your programming style or makes some comment about how unlikely it is  
that "anyone else" would do such a "way-out" thing and then starts to  
goad and really get on your nerves and then you get a flame-war!!!!



Someone relates some  (usually fairly truthful) good news about  
RunRev and then someone seek to weaken the effect by pointing out  
some defect.

Well lets all just make a deal?????

No one rain on the parade and no one stop the rain from falling!!!!!!!!

How does that Sound???

Cheers all!

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