Spaces in folder names on server

John Craig jc at
Mon Nov 13 16:01:52 EST 2006

Works OK on Suse linux  - can another folder be created with a space in 
the name to test - or _that_ folder recreated?


J. Landman Gay wrote:
> I have a cgi that needs to work with files that are in folders whose 
> names contain spaces. I've written a test cgi that simply returns 
> whether a file or folder exists. It says this folder exists:
> /home/folder1/folder2
> It says this folder does not exist:
> /home/folder1/folder 2
> The problem, I believe, is the space in the folder name. I have tried 
> substituting spaces with %20, URL-encoding them, and escaping them 
> this way:
> /home/folder1/folder\ 2
> but none of it works. How would I reference these?

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