When my relatives moved to Linux
Bill Marriott
wjm at wjm.org
Fri Nov 10 04:59:36 EST 2006
Now, having paid for a newer version of RR I was
rather surprised to find that there appear to be
rather similar script constraints.
Without those constraints, you'd pretty much be able to write your own
mini-Rev and distribute it for free, eh? Just put whatever script you like
into a field and use do commands. There'd be no limit what could be done by
the end user of your standalone.
Keep in mind the script constraints are for what is defined "on-the-fly" at
runtime in standalones, when "setting the script of" something or using "do"
commands. Scripts that already exist at the time you created the standalone
can be of any length.
Obviously it's an arbitrary, anti-piracy thing that restricts absolute
freedom in design. But in practice I haven't found it to be a factor at all.
In your stack, you want the kids to be typing "Grandmother" and "Cousin" --
not writing xTalk handlers, right? I think the only real limitation
scriptLimits imposes is making it more difficult (but not even impossible)
to build some kind of self-aware AI that reprograms itself. :)
Anyway, I think the real lesson here is to look at programming Revolution
differently than how you're doing it right now. Take your skills to the next
level! Sure there are lots of "styles" with benefits and drawbacks perhaps
to each, but just look as some of the handlers you had in that stack.
- In some cases if you made one small addition to how you wanted to
handle/display things, you'd be making multi-line changes to the scripts of
dozens of different objects (like the check marks).
- The script that I replaced with 10 statements in my prior post was
originally more than 50 lines
- Everything was explicitly referenced, as if you had a grudge against
loops, variables, and passing messages :)
- And did that script really need to be in a field, as opposed to being
attached a standard control? It seems to me one would only want to do this
for something that must be dynamically created/modified at runtime.
Sure it works (standalone issues aside) for what you've got currently. But
what if you wanted to take this stack to the next level? For example,
perhaps you'd like to start out with a "simpler" family tree at first, then
build up to the one in card 2. Or enable a student to build their own
personal tree based on interview questions? Or to have them load the actual
pictures of their family members? Any of those changes would require an
almost complete rewrite because of the "hard-wired" nature of what you've
Here's one concrete example. You've got a closeCard handler in card 2 that
reads as follows:
on closeCard
---- hide yellow borders ----
set the vis of img "Y1" to false
set the vis of img "Y2" to false
set the vis of img "Y3" to false
set the vis of img "Y4" to false
set the vis of img "Y5" to false
set the vis of img "Y6" to false
set the vis of img "Y7" to false
set the vis of img "Y8" to false
set the vis of img "Y9" to false
set the vis of img "Y10" to false
set the vis of img "Y11" to false
set the vis of img "Y12" to false
set the vis of img "Y13" to false
set the vis of img "Y14" to false
---- clear fields ----
put empty into fld "F1"
put empty into fld "F2"
put empty into fld "F3"
put empty into fld "F4"
put empty into fld "F5"
put empty into fld "F6"
put empty into fld "F7"
put empty into fld "F8"
put empty into fld "F9"
put empty into fld "F10"
put empty into fld "F11"
put empty into fld "F12"
put empty into fld "F13"
put empty into fld "F14"
end closeCard
Now, you follow a convention in which all the yellow border images around
solved pictures are named starting with "Y" and all the fields where answers
must be supplied start with "F" -- and there is one field for every image.
You could say:
global familyElements
-- number of Family Members to guess. Doesn't have to be a global,
-- could be stored in a field or even derived from counting the number
-- of portrait images
on closeCard
repeat with i = 1 to familyElements
hide img ("Y" & i) -- hide the yellow borders
put empty into fld ("F" & i) -- clear the "guess" fields
end repeat
end closeCard
And you'd be done with it... never having to visit that handler again. In
the original script, you have to make two changes any time you add or remove
a family member from the tree. And if you decided to adjust the naming
convention (from say "F" to the more descriptive "Guess") you'd have 14
changes. In the suggestion above, that's just one adjustment.
Suppose you realized that you had one more "cleanup" chore to do for each
image. Well you can now just add one more line inside the loop, rather than
another 14. It's just more amenable to updates.
Compared to the original it is quicker to write, easier to understand, more
flexible, and self-maintaining. This is an example of where "quick and
dirty" is not really quicker. Best to do it "right" the first time.
It's kind of like the difference between manually setting the headline font,
size, and style in a word processor document, vs. using a style sheet. It's
how a lot of us learned in the beginning, and it's kind of okay for quick
notes or email. But if you were to have an entire manual prepared that way,
it would be a nightmare if you one day wanted to change from "Times" to
"Palatino" font. And that is why style sheets are critical in both print and
web publishing. Or to use an even simpler example, pressing return at the
end of each line (instead of letting the computer word wrap) and pressing
the space bar repeatedly (instead of tab stops) to align text.
I think that you'll open new possibilities for your projects and ultimately
find more freedom in design if you are willing to take a more *abstracted*
view of building stacks, from the beginning -- even with simple ones. It may
require conscious effort and perhaps even some discomfort at first. But soon
it will become second nature and you'll begin to perceive the elegance and
practicality of such an approach.... and that will bring its own pleasure.
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