Viewing the size of stack elements (AKA, where have all the bytes gone?)

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at
Wed May 24 08:58:06 EDT 2006

At 6:33 PM +0100 5/23/2006, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
>The origin of all this is that I'm preparing to move an app that's 
>always been monolithic to a splashscreen-standalone, self-updating 
>one - and I'm trying to see how an earth it got so big!  This is an 
>app that I've been updating and refining for many years - it was 
>actually the app that I purchased Metacard to create, many years ago 
>before Revolution had been released, when I needed to move a 
>primitive Hypercard version to Windows.  So it's a big old thing, 
>there's a lot of history in it - and I think there's fat which can 
>be stripped.  But I need some tools to go looking.

This isn't an answer to the more general question of how much space 
an object takes, but if I remember correctly, the only aspects of an 
object that are variably-sized are its script, text (for fields, 
images, and buttons), and custom properties. Devising a tool to scan 
the sizes of these would probably be simpler than doing the general 
case and trying to get the total size of the object, and it should 
pinpoint which objects might have gotten bloated over time.
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at

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