How do I put Toolbox objects into a table control?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri May 19 16:47:29 EDT 2006

What about this?

lock screen -- speeds things up
repeat a lot
   copy template subgroup -- seems slow
   set the top of newGroup to the bottom of theLastGroup + 10 --  
seems slow
   put data in the controls -- seems fast
end repeat

Does that help?

Really, for ecxFTP I am doing this too. My list of subgroups can  
amount to 100 or more. Adding a subgroup and repositioning all  
subgroups including the new one as needed occurs instantly. Maybe you  
want to post your entire script and see if we can optimize it?




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Op 19-mei-2006, om 22:25 heeft Josh Mellicker het volgende geschreven:
> Sorry, that's what I meant- repositioning the subgroups seems to be  
> slow.
> like:
> repeat a lot
>   copy template subgroup -- seems slow
>   set the top of newGroup to the bottom of theLastGroup + 10 --  
> seems slow
>   put data in the controls -- seems fast
> end repeat

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