opening email app in Windows

Peter Brigham pmbrig at
Thu May 18 20:44:11 EDT 2006

I have a button that puts some text on the clipboard and I want it  
then to go to (or, if not already open, to launch) the user's email  
application. On the "MacOS" platform I can do this just fine with a  
brief Applescript "tell Finder to activate" script. However, I'm  
working on a mac and have no ability to run the IDE on Windows to  
debug my handling of this task for the PC.

Here's what I cribbed from the Rev backscripts (revGoURL script):

else if the platform is "Win32" then -- Windows
     put queryRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\mailto\shell\open\command 
\") into tMailApp

     replace quote & "%1" & quote with pWhich in tMailApp -- ?  
comment out ?
     replace "%1" with pWhich in tMailApp -- ? comment out ?

     --  older versions use %l ("percent L")
     replace quote & "%l" & quote with pWhich in tMailApp -- ?  
comment out ?
     replace "%l" with pWhich in tMailApp -- ? comment out ?

     --  for Windows XP
     replace "%ProgramFiles%" with $ProgramFiles in tMailApp

     open process tMailApp for neither
   end if

My question is regarding the pWhich variable substitutions. In the  
script for revGoURL, pWhich contains the email address, which I do  
not want to specify. If I simply don't substitute anything for "%1"  
in the result of the queryRegistry function, will Windows just  
activate the email app without objection? Or should I replace "%1" by  
something else (like "empty", or the equivalent)?

Context: in practice the user will already have the email app open  
with a new message window open and frontmost. The button will be in a  
systemwindow rev stack and after clicking on the stack button to load  
the clipboard, I want to go to the email app again with the new  
message window active.

   -- Peter

!    Peter M. Brigham                         pmbrig at    !
!                         !
!      -----------------------------------------------------        !
!     PROGRAM, tr.v. To engage in a pastime similar to banging      !
!    one's head against a wall, but with fewer opportunities for    !
!                              reward.                              !

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