ID's for linked text?

Chris Sheffield cmsheffield at
Thu May 11 13:04:00 EDT 2006


You also might want to check the linkText property in the  
documentation. This might be what you want.


On May 11, 2006, at 9:07 AM, Derek Larsen wrote:

> I have a text field that has specific paragraphs setup as linked.  
> I'd like
> to find a dynamic way to find out which one of those paragraphs the  
> user
> clicked on without having to know the content of the paragraph.
> Is there any kind of ID or number associated with each link? I  
> haven't been
> able to find anything useful in the documentation.
> Any insight would be appreciated.
> Thanks!
> --
> Derek Larsen
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Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

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