copy file on Mac

Francis Nugent Dixon effendi at
Tue May 9 06:02:06 EDT 2006

Hi Chipp,

After following the Creator/Type codes through all the
versions of Mac OS for many years, it's the sort of thing
you get used to. Apple invented the idea back in the dark
ages, and now they are stuck with it, as least until OS 9
and Classic die the death !
I wrote a HC stack many years ago to adjust Creator/Type
codes that had gone astray (for some reason), and I still
use it today. There are files floating around on the web
which give a complete list of all of these codes and their
mother applications. I have a list which is never far from
my side. I can reproduce at will,  examples of files with
perfectly good extensions, that when double-clicked with
the Hypercard application active, come up with the message
"Stack is invalid" (or something like that !). I have to close
Hypercard to be able to double-click the file !

You may be surprised to know that I have had several
instances where Revolution saved my stack under the
name "Stackname.rev", and a double-click wouldn't
open it . Just looking at the file icon tells you that
something is wrong. I launch Revolution and execute
"Open", and things go back to normal. Unfortunately,
it's not "reproducible" (although I think it is because
I have a wait in my closeStack handler, and I sometimes
quit revolution with cmd/Q when my stack is still open).

There are some things you just have to live with (Sigh !)


"Nothing should ever be done for the first time !"

> From: Chipp Walters
> Let me get this right. You all are saying Macs _CAN'T LAUNCH A FILE

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