Optimize This!

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at yahoo.com
Mon May 1 07:25:00 EDT 2006

--- Todd Geist <tg.lists at geistinteractive.com> wrote:
> Hi Jan
> I did look at the "seek" command, but I don't get
> how it can be  
> applied here. I don't know the position of the
> string in the file so  
> how could I "seek" to it.
> I may be misunderstanding what seek does?
> Todd

Oops, my bad: I hadn't looked at your code close
enough, and errantly concluded you were reading the
file from the start every time you wanted to read a
certain chunk of the file.
Ah well, maybe it will come in handy fom someone else

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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