What happen with function screenloc() and screenrect()?

Gilberto Cuba gilbert at isphlg.rimed.cu
Wed Mar 29 14:19:21 EST 2006


I am found that functions screenloc() and screenrect() not work fine or I 
don't understanding the documentations.
Occur that I change the resolution when my application start and I tried to 
center the software with

set the loc of this stack to screenloc()

this not work fine. Why? I found that function screenloc() and screenrect() 
keep the values of the last resolution and not refresh with the new display 

May any body tell me what I can to do? Because I tried to change the values 
of windowBoundingRect and not work fine too.

Best regards, and excuse me for my English,

Gilberto Cuba 

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