update on passkey/password problem

Burrton Woodruff burrton at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 15:09:12 EST 2006

Thank you brother & sister Revolution programmers.

I had totally overlooked the "cantmodify" property of the stack

When cant modify was set to false, the "File Save" menu items were back.

One anomaly I've not yet tracked down concerns the Application  
Browser. I'm unclear as to when it updates the lock status of the  
object scripts (it shows a lock rather than the number of lines of  
scripting after the stack is "unlocked").

Here's a handler I'll keep handy to remind me of the details:

on reportPasswordStatus
   put "Stack Name: " & the name of this stack into line 1 of temp
   put "Passkey: " & the passkey of this stack into line 2 of temp
   put "Password: " & the password of this stack into line 3 of temp
   put "cantModify: " & the cantModify of this stack into line 4 of temp
   if the password of this stack is empty then
     put " (empty)" after line 3 of temp
   end if
   if the passkey of this stack is empty then
     put " (empty)" after line 2 of temp
   end if
   put temp into msg
end reportPasswordStatus

Thanks again for solving my problems.

Burt Woodruff
RippleSoft Software

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