FTP and Cross platform issues....

John Patten johnpatten at mac.com
Mon Mar 27 13:21:20 EST 2006

Hi Dave...

Here are the answers to your questions:

Is the server on the local network or on the internet? It is on the local network.

Is the "OSX Tiger Server" running OS X Server or just plain OS X? It is running OSX SERVER Tiger (not the desktop OS)

Are you running any other "internet security" software on either the   
client or server machine?  Local WinXP machine is running latest version of McAfee VirusScan Enterprise. Nothing on the server at this time.

Can you get some log data using libUrlSetLogField in the client? This   
might help pin down where the problem is occurring? The info reported: 

socket timeout|6927
220 --------------------------------------

What version of Rev and libUrl are you using? ("put libUrlVersion()"   
in the message box will give you the libUrl version.) 1.1.4

Thanks for any feedback!

John Patten


Message: 13 
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 20:01:47 +0000 
From: Dave Cragg <dcragg at lacscentre.co.uk> 
Subject: Re: FTP and cross platform issues... 
To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com> 
Message-ID: <B26322D1-A4EB-4B51-B463-C50CF0C2B1E6 at lacscentre.co.uk> 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed 

On 23 Mar 2006, at 00:31, John Patten wrote: 

> Hello All... 
> I searched the archives and could not come up with a solution to an   
> FTP problem I'm having. 
> I have an OSX Tiger Server configured for FTP. Everything works   
> like it supposed to with both Fetch (Mac side) and FTP Commander on   
> the WinXP side. No problem. 
> However, I've been trying to get the WindowsXP box and Rev to   
> upload a simple text file to the server. No success. I have tried   
> Andre FTP utility, a couple others from the member area, my own   
> hacks using the examples in the rev docs, and finally Chip's FTPer   
> utility. None of them would work. The best I could see was that I   
> was getting a time out error. 

I know there has been some discussion about passive/active/firewall   
issues, but I wonder if something else isn't amiss. On my own local   
network, with Win XP firewall on, I can upload to an OS X Tiger ftp   
server without problems. I've had the XP firewall on since the SP2   
release and have had no problems. I just reset the XP firewall   
settings to "restore default settings" and still have no problems,   
using both active and passive. (It seems to have upset my smb   
connection though. :-( ) 

FTP severs will generally handle both passive and active requests,   
unless specifically set otherwise. The problems over passive/active   
generally occur at routers/firewalls between the client and server. 

Some questions: (apologies if they have been answered already) 

Is the server on the local network or on the internet? 

Is the "OSX Tiger Server" running OS X Server or just plain OS X? (I   
think they deploy different FTP servers, in case that's relevant.) In   
my case, it's plain OS X. 

Are you running any other "internet security" software on either the   
client or server machine? 

Can you get some log data using libUrlSetLogField in the client? This   
might help pin down where the problem is occurring? 

What version of Rev and libUrl are you using? ("put libUrlVersion()"   
in the message box will give you the libUrl version.) 


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